
Euthanasia in Canada

Euthanasia in Canada

This was a three-phase project that focuses on one social issue; it comprised of a research document, information pamphlet and digital publication of the pamphlet. I chose to focus on euthanasia since it was just recently passed as legal in Canada on June 17, 2016, and therefore created criteria that provide the rules for medical assistance in dying. When researching, I found that the public opinion is more acceptive of the issue than the doctors that would perform the process. I wanted to provide doctors with the facts about attitudes on the choice of end-of-life healthcare from the general public and physicians so that they can see how the Canadian view on euthanasia has changed to accept it. The emphasis is on encouraging doctors to educate themselves on the topic and look into their health centre’s current resources on euthanasia. The more they educate themselves, the more comfortable they would be with the issue and how to deal with it appropriately. The pamphlet, which you see first, was where most of the design work was put into. It's a double-sided paper made up of an information side on one side and a poster on the other side that is shown when the pamphlet is laid flat. The digital publication was the digitalization of a physical artifact.

Live digital publication prototype

Final Result


Digital Publication Walkthrough


Process Work